This page is dedicated to success stories and feedback from our clients and Members who have successfully used our information, strategies and services to have various loans and credit cards wiped off and/or to stop banks and debt collectors from harassing them. We have also included some feedback from our brand new e-book - "The truth about banks and how to beat them". Be sure to scroll to the bottom of our Home page - - and order your copy if you don't yet have one.
As you can see below, one of our members was so blown away by the power and effectiveness of our information that he actually recorded a full video testimonial and sent it to us - not like the clearly solicited and or answers to leading questions that you see on most sites!
And here's many more from others who were a little too shy for the camera but took the time to write to us and share their successes with us:
Hi Guys,
Thanks so much for all your help with my ANZ credit card. I was so glad to come across you after being harassed endlessly by a number of debt collectors. Just getting them to leave me alone was my primary goal but have them write to me and confirm that my debt had been waived was above and beyond all my expectations.
Thank you so much.
Natalia - Vic.(2016)
Hi Guys,
All I can say is "Wow"!
I thought I was screwed when I received paperwork from a law firm saying they were taking me to court over my $40,000 loan. I was really concerned and can't express how grateful I am for your help.
I have to admit, I was absolutely shocked when they write back to me after sending just one of your letters, saying that they were discontinuing the matter and that no further action would be taken.
I have seen and tried various stuff from the internet but nothing has ever been as powerful or worked as effectively as your info.
You guys are the best and I would recommend your info and services to anyone.
Thanks again,
Peter - WA.(2016)
I just wanted to write and say a very big "Thank You" for all your info and for help with my CBA credit card debt and also my ATO debt.
I can't believe that just a few letters eliminated a credit card debt that I had been hounded over for ages. And, I always thought it was impossible to challenge the ATO and am ecstatic that they wrote of my 20k debt after just one of your letters!
Keep up the great work and thanks again,
Amanda - Vic. (2016)
Hi Guys,
I just wanted to let you know that after dealing with my CBA debt a few years back, I was contacted by a new debt collection group out of the blue just recently. I couldn't believe it considering the CBA actually wrote back saying that my account was closed.
Anyway, I sent them one of your letters and haven't heard from then since and that was almost a year ago.
Your info definitely works and I would recommend it to anyone who is being harassed by the banks or any debt collectors.
Michaela - QLD. (2017)
Hi Guys,
Just some feedback on your new e-book:
Congratulations! It is an excellent document and source of extremely valuable info.
Your idea about a P.O. Box is essential and should be emphasized from the very outset.
Those words you refer to, to put on contracts that are dubious is a mater stroke!
Great info on the push for a cashless society, I was not aware of the ultimate consequences.
Best regards,
Gary - WA. (2017)
G'day Guys,
You have no idea how encouraging it has been to discover an organisation that is not only aware of this, but fighting to make it known. There can be few, if any, organisations with greater potential to truly help their fellow man than yours! In any endeavour you can gauge your effectiveness and value by the hatred and fear you receive from your enemies, I hope you guys are ready for a fight!
I have read your e-book and found it to be truly excellent. In researching, compiling and disseminating this information you are truly doing God's work, whatever any individuals perception of God may be. Truly a light in the darkness!
Sincere thanks,
Luke (2017)
Hi Guys,
Wow! This book was long awaited and highly anticipated and it does not disappoint. It exposes the fraud that has been perpetuated on the public and how one can take back their life from debt control.
The book is filled with practical advice, letters one can use, bonus chapters and court cases to back up the content. I urge everyone to get two copies, one for themselves and one to share with someone you care about.
Thank you for your generosity to reveal and share this most profound information and the keys to wake up and make use of it.
Paul - NSW (2017)
Great work Guys,
Your e-book is highly informative and packed with lots of useful details. Everyone needs to know the Truth behind the frauds that have been perpetrated against ALL of us and the steps are here to gain remedy.
I highly recommended it.
Adam (2017)
Hi Guys,
With regard to your book's content, it really does outline everything in plain and simple terms and I hope people will understand and really take notice.
I may not be the most ardent ‘truther’ out there but I do try to explain these concepts to friends and colleagues with very limited success. It is amazing how conditioned most people are to dream up arguments when something sounds contrary to what they think they know about what taxes pay for and how the banks own our houses until we pay them back etc.
Thank you for creating this e-book, I believe it's a worthy addition to the ASF and KYR e-books.
David - (2018)
Hi guys,
Another great read! This is a ‘must-read’ book for people struggling with trying to get ahead in today's tough times.
I found that it was well structured, readable and extremely informative.
Great work, many thanks.
Kind regards,
John - (2018)
Hi Guys,
Firstly, I want to say Wow! Upon reading the pre release version, I was extremely angry at the corruption and deceit we have been personally subjected to over the course of 30 so years.
I have had 5 mortgages and knowing now how they a formulated and entrap the poor borrower I am truly disgusted at my own ignorance.
A great job guys.
Miles - (2018)
Hey guys,
Congratulations on making a great, informative book. I found it informative, precise and it was easy to follow.
The thing I liked most about it is that it went further towards the next step instead of stopping at the first layer.
Well done on a great work with plenty of reference material. A lot of the material I was aware of, but it is fantastic to have it laid out in an easy to follow format.
I haven’t looked at the bonus material yet, but I wanted to hold something back for further reading.
Glenn - (2018)
Hi Guys,
Thank you so much. Brilliant yet simple.
Your system has saved me from nearing bankruptcy, reduced the stress level down to acceptable levels. When I posted on the FB page seeking guidance from the fellow members I was drowned in criticisms from accusations that I was rorting the system and not taking responsibility for debts that I had accrued. However, they didn’t need to know that the credit card debt was residual from divorce where I lost 5 properties…
Thank You. God Bless (Ephesians 3.20)
Warm Regards,
Greg - (2019)
Hi Guys,
I promised months ago to share this victory, here it is...
I have had a victory deleting a personal loan.
It all started when I received a very dodgy unsigned, undated, unaddressed letter from Lattitude, telling me not to worry. You loan is still exactly the same, only the name has changed.I had an Aussie personal loan which Lattitude now claimed ownership of.
I had a very bad loan agreement where the repayment price was twice the original loan.The original loan was $5000. I had already paid $5000 back but still had $5000 to go. This letter was a perfect opening to use the bank secrets revealed letters on Lattitude.
I did not even get to the Notice of default stage. They replied after my first reminder notice. The loan is now officially closed with no further repayments required. I have attached the letter from Lattitude. And after that my credit rating went up! Not that I wish to rely on credit ever again.
I am now in the final stage of Removing a $24,000 credit card debt with Virgin Money. I will let you know the conclusion in the coming months.
If anyone is interested I have my video testimony on the Bank secrets revealed web site after fighting a ridiculous Centrelink claimed debt. That is why I originally bought the bank secrets revealed book.
Paul from Sydney (2019)
P.S. I will send a copy of the letter to Bank Secrets with my address edited out and I will make a donation as this information is obviously worth much more than $100.
Hi guys,
Just wanted to send you a big thank you and the following testimonial.
Your information and system works if you send the letters via registered post, this is my experience since I started sending letters 18 months ago;
ANZ CC debt $14K sent all the letters via registered post, they wrote back several times with threats and other intimidation and they kept upping the alleged amount owed each time they contacted me, I just stuck to the process of the letters. They threatened legal/court action etc... kept sending me statements, now it's stopped. No word from debt collection agency or attorneys. Not a word from them anymore for over 6 months.
NAB CC debt $12K sent all the letters via registered post, they wrote back a couple of times. After sending the last letter I never heard from them again. No threats, nothing for over 9 months now.
CBA CC debt $52K sent all the letters via registered post, they wrote back several times with threats and other intimidation and they kept upping the alleged amount owed each time they contacted me, I just stuck to the process of the letters. Then they got a debt collector to contact me (Recoveries Corp). I sent them the letters and mailed copies of my correspondence with CBA to Recoveries Corp via registered post, never heard from them again. Then CBA got another debt collector to start contacting me (Pioneer Credit). Sent them the letters also, they responded a couple of times with you owe us blah blah blah...they rang me quite a few times, I just said I only correspond in writing and then hung up. Next Pioneer Credit got lawyers involved to represent them and wrote to me threatening legal/court summons in seven days if I didn't respond. I waited...then about a month later the lawyers wrote again with similar threats, I sent them copies of my written correspondence with Pioneer Credit and have not heard from them since, that was over 4 months ago.
If I hear from any of these jokers again I will just resend any copies of previous correspondence, no need to say any more to them. If they had a leg to stand on, I would have been in court months ago.
Just stick to the letters and don't give in to their threats and intimidation, it bloody works!!
I am now completely debt free! In total over $78,000 of alleged debt has been wiped out. My credit rating is no doubt destroyed but I'm happy about that as I now have saved thousands of $$$ since not paying these criminals all their extortion money and there's no way I will fall for their crap again.
Thanks again,
Rixsta - (2019)
Hello guys.
Someone opened an account at Optus mobile in my name some months back. I ended up with a bill of ~$700. I filled out a police report and refused to pay the debt. Optus kept pursuing me for the debt. When I refused to pay, a few months ago the debt was referred to Milton Graham asking for ~$4700. I wrote MG stating that I was only to be contacted by mail. Needless to say that was ignored. When I got the first call from MG, I looked up the number on the internet and found out who it belonged to. I had my mobile set to block private calls and found the numbers MG were using and blocked them also. Over the next months I received over 200 sms and calls from MG. All of which I ignored. I didn't replay to messages or call them. I sent MG the first 2 letters like you suggested. Today I got news from Optus that my claim was accepted, the goons would be called off and references to my credit rating removed. I figured that if I did not respond to their calls or messages, they had no case over me.
I bought your package several months back and it has handsomely repaid itself. I am also a member of Aussie speeding fines and Know your rights groups. I have used the ASF info to save myself and others thousands of dollars and have learnt my rights and how to use them. And now yours. So many thanks to you guys and here is one more testimony that your procedures do work. I am over the moon at this. Keep up the great work.
(Maybe you should locate your site overseas to keep our criminal governments from trying to block you.)
Joe - (2020)
First of all, I would like to share my success story with you. I managed to wipe off a $22,000 personal loan thanks to the information in your book.
When the COVID-19 situation started, I had already been on financial hardship for 7 months and I could not see any resolution in sight. So, I decided to do something about it and I came across your book when watching a You Tube video from the Know Your Rights Group channel. I ordered the book and decided to give a go to your 4-step process. It has been 3 month since I send the 4th letter to my bank and I have not heard from them or any debt collection agency since then. The debt was written off and it disappeared from my Internet banking.
I would like to thank you for putting this information out into the world. It has been such a weight off my shoulders and I cannot imagine the amount of effort it would have taken me to research this information and come up with these letters myself. I also felt so empowered going through the whole process. So thank you so much!
Kind regards
Karine - (2020)
Hi guys
I can’t thank you enough with regards to the outcome I have had from utilising one of your letters and the info provided in your books.
I recently sent a letter to my old bank asking about mortgage insurance. I requested a receipt for the Mortgage insurance, the PDS and the policy.
I was told by several junior employees that they didn’t need to provide it with many different reasons, but I stuck to them and put in a compliant to the ombudsman. AFIC
The bank was tasked to conduct in investigation which is now complete according to them.
They are still maintaining that they don’t need to provide the documents requested and don’t need to as mortgage insurance doesn’t cover the me but the bank.
They are obviously worried about this issue and want it squashed quietly, imagine if 50 or 1000 people all started making these requests!
They have made an offer to refund 50% of the money I have to paid to them which is a pretty good result considering I’ve only sent 3 emails, they claim that if I declined the investigation would go back to afic and would take months to complete.
I have yet to accept the offer and will think about it over the weekend.
I really feel for you guys in Victoria it’s so sad to watch everyone's lives being destroyed, stay strong stay safe.
Kind regards
Michael (2020)
Mike & co,
Wanted to let you know that after reading my banking secrets book that I had a huge win with Commbank.
I’ve just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease two years ago, I’m 56, I asked the bank, after big medical bills, for some time to catch up on my credit cards, they gave me 6 weeks and then wouldn’t accept what I could offer them fortnightly. They insisted on my neurologists report to my GP, so I obliged and asked neuro to send it to me but with covid it was delayed. Next thing, with no consultation, I get a debt collectors letter saying I was to contact him ASAP. I ordered my bank secrets book straight away and had a read.
I responded to the bank by writing a letter of disgust at their impatience to their CEO. I always go to the top.
He had his head of customer relations contact me and she asked for a budget - I obliged politely but underneath the budget I asked two questions -
1/ is it true, as was stated in his letter, that the debt collector had purchased my debt??
2/ could you provide me with a copy of the Deed of Assignment / relevant instrument that I should have signed or at least agreed to that would see me contract with this gentleman in place of commbank?
Three days later I received a letter from the bank stating that they had written off my debt in the amount of $26,456.32. Please sign and return the attached document by ....... etc.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. After hearing tonight’s you tube vid I had to write to you with something positive. Chin up Mike. The fear in this country is palpable. Apathy is rife and compliance seen as necessary. Banker cabals, satanism, child trafficking scares the crap out of Mr & Mrs average Aussie. I’ve lost so many friends and been labelled a nut job for accepting and trying to impart what’s going on. When Alan Jones states on sky that there’s an agenda and Morrison is remiss (I posted it to the fb page under my alias Donica) I know people like us are on the right track.
Thanks again for all you guys do.
With regards,
Andrea (2020)
To the Team
Thank you so much for your support. Yesterday was a great day.
We had a Gem VISA credit card debt with Lion Finance. After being harassed for a long time a default notice went onto our credit file 14/12/2016 for $8715.
We received court papers after that increased to $11,000. Maximum stress. After that we were bullied into a payment plan $30 weekly. Since COVID in March, I took advantage of the situation & had it put on hold.
Then we found Bank Secrets Revealed. We sent STEP 1 letter 30/8 and we received a letter of offer last week saying FINAL offer $5500. We made a counter offer of $2000 plus our credit file cleared. They accepted and we received it in writing account closed credit file cleared.
Thank you
Everyone needs to know what goes on and they have support as it is the most stressful thing that we have been through.
John & Leonie (2020)
I would like to extend my gratitude to the know your rights group, particularly the Bank Secrets Revealed team. I have used their letters as taught and also had to lodge a formal complaint with the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) due to ongoing phone harassment by the debt collector towards me, my friends and family. I have had an $8000 business loan waived.
Thanks you very much know your rights Team your knowledge and support during the process was excellent.
Warm Regards,
Dan (2021)
You can download a copy of their reply letter here.
Well I can tell you the 4 step "Wiping Out Unsecured Loans" still works!
I had a 30,000 credit card debt with WestPac ($6,000 of that was overdue fees) and sent the 1st of the 4 letters in September 2021. I followed all the advice in the Bank Secrets Revealed book and set up a PO Box and requested all correspondence be conducted in writing.
I sent subsequent 2nd, 3rd and final letter claiming the matter to be closed. At no point did I receive any correspondence from WestPac.
Today - 04/05/2022 I logged on to my WestPac account to see where it was at and NO payment was due... no credit account exists! They simply closed the matter!
I am guessing that their thinking is to not provide any material saying they in effect had no claim against me. No statement saying they are waiving the "Debt". That way I can't actually say they waived the debt... even though is no longer any evidence that there is an outstanding debt! Fact is... they waived the debt or should I say dropped the claim that I owed them money!
So if anyone is hesitant about going through this process - go for it! It could not be easier!
Thank you and keep it up Guys!
Leigh - Vic (2022)
Hi Bank Secrets Revealed team!
Just thought I'd share some positive news with regards to my $15k Westpac credit card debt.
I was watching Mike's Know Your Rights Group video on Bitchute uploaded on 5/May/2022. Increased covid cases, dealing with hotel quarantine invoices, latest TGA figures, more testimonials ( starting at 21:18, where he reads a testimonial from Leigh.
I hadn't heard from Westpac recently, not even a statement in my P.O. Box. I decided to log in to my online account, which I had not done all year. Mirroring Leigh's testimonial, Westpac had simply closed my credit card account and the home screen showed that there were no upcoming payments due. I was over the moon!
The process took around 9 months from the time I sent the first letter. Thank you for the support emails you sent during this process as I was getting a little nervous a couple of times. You kept me calm and on track to follow the process in the book.
Thanks again for the knowledge you have put together in your book and for the step by step guide. I encourage others to follow the process - I can vouch that it works!!
All the best.
Good afternoon,
Just thought I would give feedback on my experience using the letter system.
1) Lender was Business Fuel Finance, debt $55,000 approx. Sold debt to Complete Credit Solutions, I sent the four letters as per instructions for a debt collector. They have stopped contacting me, occasionally they send a text message addressing my former company which is in liquidation threatening too register a default against it. I don't bother responding as the company is in liquidation.
2) Bank West credit cards (two) total amount $46,500 I sent the four letters as per instructions for bank, they haven't contacted me for 8 months.
3) American express, debt $6800 I sent four letters they didn't contact me but sold the debt to a debt collector. I repeated the letters for a debt collector and I haven't heard anything from them for 7 months.
4) Prospa Advance, debt $114,000 this one was more complicated as Prospa had a default judgement against me in South Australian Magistrates court. They sold the debt to Francom credit solutions who were threatening enforcement action. Prospa had caveat registered against my family home (as did Business fuel). I applied to the lands title office to have the caveats removed, Business fuel took no action, Prospa made an application to the Supreme court to maintain the caveat. However they didn't ask for an urgent hearing and I lodged a ton on of documents relating to fraud that had been committed so the judge only listed a directions hearing 6 weeks after the originating application and the caveat lapsed after 21 days of my application to lands title office.
My intention was to sell the house to my adult children before the directions hearing on the 26th May however banks being banks they could get things organized in time.
I attended the directions hearing via phone on the 26th May where the judge said due to the volume of documents I had lodged there appeared to be more to the case than a simple extension of a caveat so ordered Francom legal to lodge a response to my documents in 14 days time. Francom Legal asked the court to make an order that the property not be sold before the next hearing, the judge declined to make an order if I gave an undertaking not to sell the property, I gave an undertaking.
My ex-wife who gave no such undertaking sold the property on the 29th May.
Francom Legal didn't have automated alert on the title through Sallis which is a free service, so were not aware the property sold until I advised them 3 weeks later.
At the next directions hearing Francom wanted me charged with contempt of court, the judge pointed out that in the Supreme court (civil) it was up to them to bring a private action for contempt which is an extremely costly excercise and it may or may not be proven that I was in contempt of court.
Francom Legal then made an application for a freezing order against my assets which the judge gave me 7 days to respond to.
I then consulted a lawyer who advised me on a stratedgy for dealing with freezing order, I didn't contest it as I don't have any assets left, my only conditions which the judge granted were $1500 a week living expenses, $15,000 in legal fees and ability to buy and dispose of business assets in the ordinary course of business so the freezing order really had no consequence on my life at all.
After the first directions hearing a lawyer from Francom contacted me via phone informing me they had evidence that I had perjured myself to the court, but they wouldn't reveal the matter to the court if I agreed to settle the matter for $114,000 on that day. I informed her that was coersion and blackmail and terminated the call.
I then made a written complaint to the legal practioners board, Francom Legal sacked the lawyer with immediate effect.
After the freezing order hearing the judge gave four months for both parties to lodge documents with the court but strongly advised both sides to reach a settlement.
I asked my lawyer to negotiate on my behalf as the matter had become personal for both sides. I decided to make a concerted effort to settle as I didn't want to drag my family into the matter plus my ex-wife would have needed legal representation and so would my children so costs would spiral out of control very quickly.
I ended up settling for $30,000 in total with only condition in the deed being that I withdraw the complaint with the legal practitioners board which I complied with. They agreed to a set aside in Magistrates court plus to cease all action in the supreme court we all signed and I paid the $30,000
The legal practitioners board acknowledged my letter of withdrawal but informed us that they were dropping the investigation into Francom Legal but not the lawyer who made the threats and she could actually lose her licence to practice.
That's not the end to the story though!!
When settlement was being organized with NAB who held the mortgage over the family home, I asked them to give me pay out figures on business loans secured by the house as well. I recieved an email outstanding balance on mortgage, $12,000 on an overdrawn business account, $99,000 on a business loan.
I asked the bank if they could help out by reducing the business loan as the we lost everything due to covid and lockdowns , I got a very terse reply telling me all loans were secured by the property and they will settle all loans at settlement for the full amount.
On settlement day I received the settlement statement but I was just so relieved to get the property sold I didn't really look at it. Next morning I got a screen shot from my son of his bank account showing $100,000 had been deposited into his account with description surplus. It was from Comm Bank who they had arranged the mortgage with. When I checked the settlement statement NAB had forgotten to payout the overdraft and business loan so Commonwealth just deposited the surplus into his account.
Nab have since contacted me asking me how I intend to settle the outstanding amount now $195,000 as they claim to have found another loan which I have no recollection of. I sent the first bank letter nearly 3 weeks ago and haven't heard back so reminder letter next week.
Sorry to have gone on a bit but I was staring down the barrel but things have worked better than could have hoped for plus the extra $100k is helping to get back on my feet in a new business (I have no legal connection to it).
Hey guys,